Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ironing the joy

OK, its Sunday night again and once upon a time I made this night my ironing night whilst watching the box. That was Just before Abby came along and I was nesting. So I am going to try it again. Obviously not tonight though. It has become routine now that once I have given the kids breakfast and I see DP wonder into the room where all the clothes are I squeeze past him, turn the iron on and proceed to pull the wrinkled shirt from the ironing pile, or worse panick when there is not a clean work shirt in the ironing pile. I tell you there is no better heart starter for the day. Yes the hardship of our lives hey. Now its not that he is incapable of ironing a shirt, and he does do it, but I like to show my love by doing this for him especially seeing that he makes his own lunch at the moment (from nothing most days) and actually has NEVER complained about anything I don't do or there being nothing decent to take for lunch. He has been known to take some bread slices and a can of beetroot. To sum up this interesting post on the topic of ironing this is one of the organisational proceedures I am going to put back into place to help put this house back in some sort of order. - Next week of course.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Well I have returned. Its been a while but realised the other day that I really need to do something about the thoughts in my head when not singing incy wincy spider or contemplating the laundry pile I have things I want to share that poor Don bless is just not that interested in. I mean I know the life and times of a stay at home mother is so interesting, who does'nt want to hear about the amount of soaking clothes I have to do each day! Yes Gwen is feeding herself and has no teeth. But really who else is proud of me for buying 2 kg of mince instead of one as it is $1.60 cheaper!
You get the picture.........
OK I will try and make it a little more interesting than that, however I do not promise I won't.
Heck, I still have not given anyone my blog address apart from my sisters - Hi Guys. Don is also studying full time so use of the computer may be a little hard, but will try and make it work.

Oh and you may be wondering how my talk back radio obsession is going? Well I have cooled off a bit - can't hear it over the kids but still have it on as honestly who does'nt love background noise that buzzes in your head when your kids are driving you spare. Still a fan of GC (Greg Carey), however do switch to ABC now and again and AM comes on before Greg. Like I said don't hear much of him these days but like listening to Dr Carole Hungerford who he has on for about 10 min on a Wednesday. Want her book Good Health in the 21st Century which is on my wish list along with the compost bin. My compost bin is breaking up, well when I say compost bin I mean big plastic plant pot - I'll take a picture.

Gardening is getting there, I have a few things on the go which I will tell you all about soon. Not that there is a heap to mention but may take a few snaps to enhance the narrative.

Mmm now crafty things accomplished since last post -
knitting - finished Dons scarf (its real bad hey)
Soap making - negative
Strawberry jam - toffee and runny, yet to get medium
Baby - Yes her name is Gwendolen and she is beautiful
Curtains - negative, have material and dye to be tye? dyed - will keep you updated
Abbys Bed - Neary done (Dons project), she sleeps with Don and I sleep with Gwen its the only way we get sleep otherwise the little tikes take turns waking each other up don't you know.
Scrap book of the girls - negative
Lets save space here, about 23 projects uncompleted, 1 project beautifully done (after the screaming and pain), 1 project (Dons scarf) badly completed.

Lets move on

Actually it is quite late and I should get to bed, very excited about being back - just broke the news to Don who I think was secretly hoping I was looking up how to keep a tidy organised house without complaining.



abethas scrapbook for Daddy

First Pumpkin

First Pumpkin
Dad proudly shows Abby her first pumpkin

Safe in daddys hands