Thursday, February 21, 2008

Did someone say W.A.L.K

Just popping in cute pick, I sit Abetha just outside the door in the pram sometimes, whilst I am doing other things in the kitchen (as most babies probably do, she loves being outside) so I can keep an eye on her. Well as usual I was talking out loud to myself "maybe I will take you for a walk". This is what I found on my doorstep. Buddy, ready and waiting!

Job? - What Job?

Well Hello,

I know I still have not given out my blog to anyone else as I feel I have not filled it up much or put anything I think anyone would be really interested in, so bare with me (talking to self) I will put something interesting on real soon......

In the meantime I will type what has been going on in my world for the past 3 weeks. Well I took on a sales phone from home jobby didnt I! Yes, genuis Sally no problem how easy is it!
I took it on thinking 2 hours per week ok, but the damn thing has taken up all my time. Besides the fact that I am absolute Crap at sales unless I genuinly believe in it and I really have yet to find something I want someone to buy, you know because it will save their lives or something. And although it was ringing businesses, not households I thought I could do it.

Mmmm no, ok here is how it kind of went for most of my calls (if I was not hung up on)

Me: Hi Hows it going?
Victim: Who is this?
Me: Good question, My name is Sally I am ringing on behalf of blah blah blah blah
Victim: Where?
Me: Blah Blah, keep talking very fast so they cannot get a word in PAUSE How bout it then?
Victim: No
Me: Fair enough! thanks for your time though......

Yes, suprised I lasted the 3 weeks really and even more of a suprise was that I did actually get 4 sales from which I should receive $140.00.

Anyway today I quit and it was the best feeling! I danced around the kitchen and Abetha was laughing and beaming like she was relieved! I have placed 2 posters advertising my new "Ironing Service".

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This is the recipe I used to make my lovely bread by Forest on this fantastic website!

Hoping to get round to other things soon, received climbing beans seeds and small black pumpkins? from uncle that I want to plant. (Thinking original pumkin patch days are numbered). (Don is on about it, but rain is holding him back). I love the rain and more importantly so does Abetha.

I have taken on a work from home jobbie. Dont know how it will all go, however dont know until you try and we need the extra dough at the moment. I have only done one day (yesterday) so early days yet. So in between that, keeping and tickling Abby I hope to find time to do the other stuff. Will keep posting regularly hopefully. Well had 1/2 hour sleep since 3am, so on 31/2 hour sleep I may be talking nonsense. I am waiting for bread to bake then putting jam drops in oven, if they turn out ok I will post recipe.

(edited to say, I dont put Abby in the dryer just her nappies) just in case I needed to clear that up



abethas scrapbook for Daddy

First Pumpkin

First Pumpkin
Dad proudly shows Abby her first pumpkin

Safe in daddys hands